Date: Tue, 25 Apr 95 19:49 EET From: Subject: [KLF-TALK:1821] Re: Naid KFMF -> -> >I have just read in the TraxWeek #6 that both Maelcum,basehead and necros -> >got prices at naid. -> -> Sorry if this question has been asked a million times before or something, -> but is TraxWeek an on-line publication, or is it print, and if it is -> on-line, where can I get it? -> -> Thanks, -> jimbob -> There is a mailinglist and this www-site: Martin ----------------- Date: Tue, 25 Apr 95 16:11 EET From: "John M. Cooney" Subject: [KLF-TALK:1820] Along the same lines Kind of along the same lines as the previous message: I'm looking for writers of mod related material. If you're interested just drop me a line. We're looking for articles along the following lines: o Computer Setups o Sound Equipment Used o About Coding o Info on Sampling o About writing in different genres o Product reviews Basically, if you want to write about any mod related topic drop me a line with a brief description and I'll get back to ya. The digital mag can also include pictures (scans) related to the articles. --------------------------------------------- On a separate note, I've received a couple messages about posting the same message multiple times. If everyone has seen the same message of mine posted mutiple times please let me know. I know that if I reply to someone, they get a message and the message is also sent to the list, so they might get 2. Thanx. ---------------------------------------------- - John Cooney ----------------- Date: Wed, 26 Apr 95 03:51 EET From: (Chris Campbell) Subject: [KLF-TALK:1822] Re: woopies >ah well.. if there is going to be a naid next year i am definitely going. :) Put my name on that list as well, I have heard nothing but good things about NAiD '95 >lpegasus -popcorn :) Chris Campbell - Port Hawkesbury, Nova Scotia... Canada IRC: Popcorn - Hornet.Epinicion.Divine / TraxWeekly Co-Editor ----------------- Date: Wed, 26 Apr 95 03:51 EET From: (Chris Campbell) Subject: [KLF-TALK:1823] Re: Starplayer 2.12 is released. >> Now with MTM support, and VU bars. Available at >MTMs? This ain't 2.12, it's 4.0.. (half me songs are mTMs) :) It's a VERY welcome addition, but I hope sometime before version 4.0 really comes out we have XM support ;) Chris Campbell - Port Hawkesbury, Nova Scotia... Canada IRC: Popcorn - Hornet.Epinicion.Divine / TraxWeekly Co-Editor ----------------- Date: Wed, 26 Apr 95 21:03 EET From: (Chris Campbell) Subject: [KLF-TALK:1825] Re: Naid KFMF > What do you think of our homepage? Dragunov is doing an excellent job. Chris Campbell - Port Hawkesbury, Nova Scotia... Canada IRC: Popcorn - Hornet.Epinicion.Divine / TraxWeekly Co-Editor ----------------- Date: Wed, 26 Apr 95 21:03 EET From: (Chris Campbell) Subject: [KLF-TALK:1824] Re: Naid KFMF >Sorry if this question has been asked a million times before or something, >but is TraxWeek an on-line publication, or is it print, and if it is >on-line, where can I get it? TraxWeekly is an on-line publication dedicated to the PC Music Scene. TraxWeekly is on the World Wide Web! Officially, the site is: The page is maintained by Dragunov, now one of our staff. Check it out with the newest version of Netscape. Might be the best way to check out the mag. Maelcum of Kosmic helped me out by doing some pics for the page. Claim, Sophisto and TheHacker contributed background tiles. To all of them, I thank you. As soon as Maelcum sets-up the other site in North America, use Jak's site in finland (specified above). TraxWeekly has an internet address to contact Popcorn or myself. It is: .. Subscriptions are available now, and can be done in this matter: If you want to subscribe to TraxWeekly mail to: And put in the message body: subscribe trax-weekly [your real name] If you want to unsubscribe to the list mail to the same address and write: unsubscribe trax-weekly TraxWeekly is also available on or /demos/diskmags/tw/ Chris Campbell - Port Hawkesbury, Nova Scotia... Canada IRC: Popcorn - Hornet.Epinicion.Divine / TraxWeekly Co-Editor ----------------- Date: Thu, 27 Apr 95 00:31 EET From: Subject: [KLF-TALK:1826] Is there anywhere I can get a list of all the releases of KFMF available on tapes/CD's. If anybody knows, or if anybody at KFMF can attach me a list I'd appreciate it. Thanks. "Photeos" ----------------- Date: Thu, 27 Apr 95 05:41 EET From: Dan Nicholson Subject: [KLF-TALK:1827] Traxweekly on traxweekly has been available via WWW on now for over a week: - Dan ----------------- Date: Fri, 28 Apr 95 04:47 EET From: ap154@freenet.Buffalo.EDU (Jared Spiegel) Subject: [KLF-TALK:1828] Sample CD's I've noticed that a lot of people talk about getting samples from "sample CD's". Since i've just started to sample my own stuff instead of just relentlessly ripping everything, i was wondering just what these sample CD's were. Are they just CD's that happen to have good samples or are they CD's with like a sample, pause, sample, pause, and so on. If they are more like that latter, where would i go about getting one of these from? Mail order? Does anyone have nfo as to where i could write to get a catalog for them? Etc.... Thanx Jared Spiegel ----------------- Date: Fri, 28 Apr 95 15:06 EET From: "John M. Cooney" Subject: [KLF-TALK:1829] Re: Sample CD's On Fri, 28 Apr 1995, Jared Spiegel wrote: > were. Are they just CD's that happen to have good samples or are they CD's > with like a sample, pause, sample, pause, and so on. If they are more I've got a sample CD but it doesn't have anything that I find really useful. Rushing water, women screaming, cars, and other everyday sounds. I got it at a record store. I've seen ads in mags for CDs containing techno loops, 3 to 20 second samples that are just meant to be looped. That sounded like it might be neat, but the CD costs $50. - John -----------------